Girl has a strange disease, if kissed she will go to the hospital! Rulebook has been made for the lover

Girl has a strange disease, if kissed she will go to the hospital! Rulebook has been made for the lover

There are more than one people in the world. Some are completely different from others and there are some who suffer from a disease that no one understands. Same thing is happening with a girl living in Boston, America. Although she is completely normal, but if she comes in contact with some food or drink, she comes close to death.

The life of a girl named Caroline Cray Quinn is being badly affected due to this problem. She not only faces problems in her daily life, she also lags behind in matters of love. Even if he likes someone, there are so many conditions attached to him that it is difficult for him to move forward.

Even if she loves, a girl cannot express it.
According to the report of New York Post, a girl named Caroline Cray Quinn has a different disease. The problem of Caroline, a resident of Boston, is that even if she loves someone, she cannot express it. Caroline, a victim of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, is allergic to many things which are normal food for common people. In such a situation, if a boy eats any of these and kisses her, then she gets allergic and if it is not treated on time, she may even die. To avoid this situation, Caroline has made three rules, which her boyfriend has to follow –

Under the first rule, he does not have to eat peanuts, tree nuts, sesame seeds, kiwi, mustard or seafood 24 hours before kissing her.
The second rule is that a boy cannot eat anything three hours before kissing.
The third rule is that before kissing they have to brush their teeth thoroughly.

Rules of ‘kiss’ made for boyfriend
If any of these rules are not followed, Caroline may have a severe allergy. When Caroline came to know about this disease, she prepared a lifestyle for herself. If they make any mistake in this, they start having swelling on their body, terrible rashes, unconsciousness, itching and difficulty in breathing. Currently she has a boyfriend, whose name is Ryan. To live with them, Ryan has to follow a strict diet.

Tags: Bizarre news, trending news, Viral news

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